My China Television Debut


Sixiao informed me tonight that the two of us appeared on Chinese television. No, it wasn't the local news-- in fact, it wasn't even filmed here. When we were seniors in college, Sho worked on a MTV production called "The U" which went around to all the major universities interviewing students about the school and their college life. Since Sho worked on it, of course she and all of her buddies [enter me] got to be on the show. Sho gave a tour of our sweet pad in SD as an example of "living off campus" and I played the part of "girl who studies at the beach." I got interviewed about the academic and social life of UCSD while lying on the sand with my textbooks. [It was actually somewhat realistic-- I really did study at the beach. Eh, a few times.]

So tonight, years later, Sho's coworker calls her up: "You're on TV!" Sho was trying to think of how and when she was shot in Beijing, but her coworker went on to explain that she is watching Sho give a tour of her old place in America. Apparently one of the stations here was showing programs about colleges abroad and showed "The U." How random is that?

Tonight was my grand China television debut... and I missed it. I don't even have a TV.
Bu hao.



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