And Breathe Out...


A collective, massive exhalation occurred last night as the Olympic Torch was extinguished here in Beijing. Some were breathing sighs of sadness, others were sighing with relief. Whichever the case, not a single individual in the Capital last night didn't feel a sudden emptiness. The Games are over.

We've only been on hand to see the preparation for the last 6 months-- but this country and these people have been setting up for this two week event for eight years. Can you imagine preparing for anything for 8 years? [Okay, MD's and Ph.D's aside]. How do you feel when something that grand, that important, that huge is now over? Even after just 6 months of hype, I can honestly say I woke up today feeling a large void. I can't imagine what others must feel.

Collin and I have only known pre-Olympic Beijing-- we've never known "normal" Beijing, if there even is such a thing. Now we will witness post-Olympic Beijing, and can only wonder if it will seem "normal" to the locals. Is a city ever the same after hosting a world event of such a massive scale? I'm sure most past host cities are the same eventually; in fact, it is hard to even think back to who hosted the previous Games more than a few Games ago. But I feel as though here it is different. Here-- the country, the government, the people-- they all wanted to show the world something. They all wanted these Games to be more than just fun and games, they wanted to prove something. Did they succeed? What does the world think of them now?

Whatever the world is saying, the hype will surely settle within a few days and the world spotlight will shine elsewhere.

Here in Beijing, it is back to reality. Back to business as usual. Today is truly the mundane Monday of all mundane Mondays.


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